Friendly Neighbour Hotline
The Friendly Neighbour Hotline is a volunteer-driven program to support low-income seniors with food access during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Why Did We Create the Friendly Neighbour Hotline?
Seniors are the most vulnerable and at risk group during the COVID-19 pandemic, with barriers to picking up essentials like groceries. Even before the pandemic, food access for frail seniors has been an issue.
Project Contact
Thank You to Our Collaborators and Supporters
211 Central, Bathurst Finch Seniors Society, Bernard Betel Centre, Breakaway Addiction Services, City of Toronto, Councillor Josh Matlow, Dixon Hall, National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE), Senior Safety Line, Sistering, Society of Sharing – Inner-City Volunteers , SPRINT Senior Care, The Neighbourhood Group, Toronto Central LHIN, Toronto Community Housing Corporation, Toronto Foundation, Toronto Seniors Helpline, United Way of Greater Toronto, University Settlement, Well Living House
Behind The Solution

The Friendly Neighbour Hotline has been featured in:
Toronto Star - Groups delivering necessities to Toronto seniors call for donations, volunteers
Toronto Sun - With COVID-19 doom-and-gloom comes community outreach
Globe and Mail - Volunteer grocery service helps low-income seniors isolated during coronavirus
CBC The National - ‘It’s really lifesaving’: From getting groceries to babysitting, ‘caremongering’ brings communities together
Toronto Life - The pandemic heroes
Getting Involved
Explore exciting opportunities to get involved with the Friendly Neighbour Hotline.