Creative Solutions for Health
Welcome to OpenLab, a design and innovation studio dedicated to finding creative solutions at the intersection of health and society.

Featured Projects
Here are a few projects we've been working on.

Naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs) are regular residential buildings that have become home to a high density of older adults.
See Project
Friendly Neighbour Hotline
The Friendly Neighbour Hotline is a volunteer-driven program to support low-income seniors with food access during the COVID-19 pandemic.
See Project
Prescribing Virtual Reality (VRx)
Prescribing Virtual Reality (VRx) is a suite of projects that design and evaluate therapeutic VR-interventions for diverse and challenging populations (patients, caregivers, providers), from community to acute care.
See Project
Overdose Response Network
ORN is a mobile app connecting people who use drugs alone with peers who can respond to overdose alerts with naloxone. It takes the concept of a safe consumption site virtual.
See Project“When I met OpenLab, I thought, 'These are my people.' I knew this was a community where I should take the chance on offering my engagement.”
— OpenLab Team Member